Lost Episode Creepypasta Wiki

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Lost Episode Creepypasta Wiki

Is a Mac n cheese bowl... a Bowl made out of Mac n Cheese?

How come when your carrying things in a car, its called a SHIPMENT, but when your delivering things on a ship its called CARGO?

What your scared, of is what you died of in your past life. (Im scared of the dark)

Your future you, is thinking about you right now. (HELLO FUTURE ME!)

If poison expires, is it more poisonous, or no longer poisonous? Good question

In order to sleep, we have to fake sleep.

beds are just chargers, for humans.

we eat pizza from the inside out..

If you live to be 70 years old you will spend TEN YEARS of your life on Monday. ...

Sometime in the future, someone will say your name for the last time. ...

At any given point your future self is thinkin' about you

Roughly 0.0000000000000000133% Of the population die when you snap.. *Intense snapping noises*

your skull doesn't have a facial expression, its just the flesh that moves around it O.0

People who step up 2 steps at a time are both lazy, and active at the same time.

you could throw a rock into a lake, and be the last person to touch that rock till the end of time :O

boneless wings, are just to make adults feel better about chicken nuggies (Poor adults :/)

its 2021 and I've never seen a toaster with a countdown. (Dose it exist??)

your eyelids, slide so smoothly against your eye.

You cant predict your next thought

when you hate haters.... doesn't that make you a hater?!

You might've done something today that has changed, your entire life.

What if when you cant sleep at night... your in someone else's dreams/nightmares??! (I'm coming for you DJ Sprouts >:D)

When we catch fish, do they think they're being abducted by aliens?

The only thing bottled water companies, produce is plastic bottles..

There's millions of people with different ages all have the same death date as you.

Suspending someone for, having too many absent days is punishing them for staying home with more time home :O

Gravity is always tryna pull your pants down.. THAT BASTARD-

You can often tell when a dream ends.. but never starts

Its almost impossible to sneeze with your eyes open

if you were the oldest person alive, everyone born before you would be DEAD =)

How many alarm clocks go off at the same time every morning?

We get more starlight during the day, then at night

Your future self is spying on you through memories

Teachers spend years in school, to get a certificate saying they can go back to school.

There will always be 1 number that's yet to be counted

You cant look, or say a word unless you say it in your head

When you clean something, your just making room for the dust tomorrow! :O

