Lost Episode Creepypasta Wiki

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Lost Episode Creepypasta Wiki

My bus driver. Won't. Stop. Laughing.

Seems like an annoying situation, maybe worse, but I had to deal with it for two years, and it never got any better. I first met Ms. O' and Ms. Penny on the bus during my first day of high school. Ms. O' was my bus driver and Ms. Penny was the bus attendent, and my god, they were weird as hell. They were like children trapped in adult bodies, but worse.

They would do stupid things like jump up and down like the bus was one big trampoline, ask everyone about they're dinner and their lunch (obviously trying to steal our food), and wave at random people passing by. And keep in mind, I had to deal with this shut every school day. It. was. Hell.

I would get so embarrassed that I would slump in my seat as low as I could and try not to draw any attention. Dealing with their actions everyday was something I was not gonna tolerate. But it's not just their acts that annoyed me... It's their laughter...

They laughed all the time... I swear to god it was unbearable. It was like listening to fucking clowns, and I hate clowns. I swear, I could see some of the other kids on the bus cover their ears in agony over the excessive, agonizing laughter busing through their heads, and honestly I couldn't blame them. I almost felt like doing the same

Everyday, they would laugh so hard at their dumb ass jokes. They would tell stupid stories about their life, which I found irrelevant, and they would laugh, and laugh, and laugh. I was surprised their lungs hadn't bursted yet. But the thing I noticed was, that Ms. O' would sometimes stop and wave at nearby kids. Some would wave back,and some wouldn't.

Hell, I didn't even notice this at first. Almost twice a week, I would sit in my seat and watch Ms. O' stop the bus entirely, creepily wave at nearby kids on the street, and then drive off, giggling like a toddler. It was creepy, and gave me such weird pedophila vibes. And you wanna know what the worst part was? Some of the other kids on the bus would actually laugh right along with them.

Seriously, there were kids on the bus that found Ms. O's and Ms. Penny's jokes funny as hell, and laugh hysterically at them. Sometimes, a few of the kids would too wave at random nearby kids. Something was clearly wrong about this whole goddamn bus.

Was the bus driver and her attendant high? Were they getting drunk on the job? No, that can't be the reason. If they were drunk, I'm pretty much this bus would've gone off a cliff by now. I had to figure out what was going on. I needed answers.

One day, I overheard a few of the kids talking about how Ms. O' and Ms. Penny both lived in a house together, a house that our bus would normally drive by. It was hard to hear over the constant annoying laughter blasting through my eardrums, but I was able to hear just where the two lived.

Knowing this information, I anticipated finally getting a look at where they lived. Maybe it could give me the answers I needed.

The next day, I sat down on the bus, trying my best to ignore everything those damn clowns said. As I sat down, I was waiting, waiting for the big moment that could potentially give me the answers I needed. When the moment came, I looked out my window and gazed upon the house, and... my god, it was nothing I would've expected.

It was in absolute shambles. The windows were broken, the walls were crumbling, the paint was chipped, the roof was damaged, even the foundation was visible in some places. The door appeared to be left wide open, which literally didn't make any sense.

The whole place was surrounded in long, dead grass with a few dead, rotting flowers sprinkle in. I could even small traces of moldy, expired food scattered around the area, attracting a horrid amount of fruit flies to buzz around the area.

It was almost as if Ms. O' and Ms. Penny didn't even bother to take care of their house at all. Is this seriously how they preferred living? I wasn't able to get much of a glimpse of the interior, but I imagine it had to have been even worse than the outside.

I always looked at that house whenever we drove by it. Every now and then, I would see and small black cat with a missing eye wander by the house. I wasn't able to conclude wether or not it was theirs though.

I would even see two young boys stand outside the house every now and then. They were small, Asian, sported short, dark hair and brown eyes, and wore ragged hand me downs. Were they the children of Ms. O' and Ms. Penny? Honestly I don't even know.

Over time, things got even worse. Slowly but surely, more and more kids started behaving like Ms. Penny and Ms. O'. Before I knew it, everyone on the bus was acting like them. They would all jump around and about, crack unfunny, absurd jokes, and laugh like crazy. Every. Goddamn. Day.

I swear it seemed like I was the only normal kid on the bus. I felt like a outcast, a black sheep amongst the whites. It was almost as if Ms. O' and Ms. Penny were ducking away their soul and turning the children into mindless, mentally insane freaks. I was really starting to freak out.

It had come to the point where I started having nightmares, usually about Ms. O' crashing the bus into a vehicle or off a cliff due to her clouded, insanity filled mind. Other times, I would dream that I too would become a mindless, laughing freak just like all the other kids. This whole situation was really starting to get to my head.

But one day, everything changed.

One day, I had gotten on the bus and sat in my usual spot, trying my absolute hardest to ignore everything that was going on. As the bus was chugging along the usual path we take, Ms. O' was getting particularly worked up over a weird story about her grandchildren. She was laughing so hard, she was beginning to tear up, her salty tears clouding her vision.

Before I knew it, my bus driver was laughing so hard, she could barely control the bus anymore. She was swerving around and making sharp turns that almost resulted in multiple crashes. I swear at one point we almost ended up crashing right into a large truck.

Her driving was so erratic that I saw one car quickly turn to avoid the crazy bus, and the driver ended up crashing their car into a motorcycle, sending the motorcycle driver flying off a bridge into the water depths beneath.

The whole time, my heart was absolutely pounding. I was in such a state of shock, I couldn't even speak. I couldn't even contemplate what was going on at that moment. When Ms. O' finally gained control of herself, she got the bus back on the normal lane, and the drive itself was completely normal from there on out.

Neither Ms. O', nor Ms. Penny, or even anyone else on the bus seemed to care at what happened. I don't even think anyone of them evem knew what had just happened, which, in turn, freaked me the fuck out. These kids didnt seem like normal people anymore. They seemed like mindless husks that fail to comprehend any sort of situation.

It was at that moment I finally realized what was going on here.

My bus driver and attendant weren't drunk, nor were they high. They were completely, and utterly, insane. I don't know how it took me this long to realize this, but everyone on the bus had truly lost their minds.

That was the last time I ever heard from those two again, as they were replaced with a new bus driver and attendant. Both of them were super nice, and fom that moment on, everyone started acting normal again, and honestly, thank god.

I still won't ever forget Ms. Penny and Ms. O' though. The experiences I had with them are burned in my mind forever. So if you ever have a bus driver/attendant like them, be on the lookout for anything suspicious. You never know the secrets that could very well be hiding underneath.
